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In exercise of the power conferred on the Minister responsible for Trade and Industry and on the advice of the Board by paragraph (a) of section 32 of the Ghana Enterprises Agency Act, 2020 (Act 1043), these Regulations are made this day 30th of October, 2023.



Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), is the apex governmental body dedicated to the promotion and development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Ghana, with sixteen (16) Regional Offices and Two Hundred and Ten (210) Business Advisory Centres (BACs) across the country, has partnered with the Mastercard Foundation to implement the Business in a Box Project (BizBox). The Agency is contracting qualified and interested persons for appointment as District Coordinators in various districts.

BizBox District Coordinators JP NSPPs

The Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA) is partnering with the Mastercard Foundation to implement the Business in a Box (BizBox) project and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for the Selection of Individual Consultants for the Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA).

GEA now invites sealed Curriculum Vitae from eligible Qualified Consultants for the selection of consultants for the following Positions.

BizBox Consultants JP NSPPs



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